We are heading towards Xmas and the holiday period. Our PhD students are doing well - Kirsty has submitted her PhD and Devaki is writing up. Stephen and David have been publishing in ACS Nano on mRNA vaccines and cancer models – see story on the projects here and here. Both our and Amy Chung’s group had a big presence at the Options Influenza meeting in Brisbane recently – see photos of posters etc. below. Stephen also recently spoke at a virology conference in Singapore.
We are thinking about some axe-throwing for our Xmas function in December (what could go wrong!). Marios continues to kick goals – he was promoted to level C and was awarded a CASS grant recently. Congratulations also to Adam who was part of an NHMRC synergy grant that was recently announced. We are starting up a new clinical study looking at people who catch Flu, RSV or COVID. Dave and Shelby O’Connor are visiting at the moment to escape the US election! We welcomed two new 3rd year students this semester and Amanda is staying on to start a Masters project with Marios next year. We were sad to farewell Jane recently who has moved over to the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Doherty Institute - see lab lunch photo.